The industrious Protestant Danes have dropped more consonants onto their icy windswept soil than any indolent tropical tribe.
Guy Deutscher, Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages
To accomplish my ultimate goal of learning Danish, it’s important to include activities that focus on the four areas of language learning: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The focus area is indicated on each task. My schedule for the next week:
- Blog daily tasks for the next week (this post!)
- DanishClass101 (DC101) Beginner Lesson #6: What are Your Plans for the Future? (R) (L)
- Record grammar lesson, new words (W)
- Review DC101 conversation and practice speaking (R) (L) (S)
- Write and practice teacher recording (W) (S)
- Review teacher commentary
- Review DC101 conversation and practice speaking (R) (L) (S)
- Read and translate one paragraph of Kvinden i Buret. (R)
- Review DC101 conversation and practice speaking (R) (L) (S)
- DC101 Beginner Lesson #7: Shopping for Clothes in Denmark (R) (L)
- Record grammar lesson, new words (W)
- Review DC101 conversation and practice speaking (R) (L) (S)
- Write and practice teacher recording (W) (S)
- Review teacher commentary
- Review DC101 conversation and practice speaking (R) (L) (S)
- Write and record short text related to weekly lessons (W) (S)
- Review DC101 conversation and practice speaking (R) (L) (S)
- Blog about my success! And update my teacher.
Every day will include the following tasks:
- Maintain Duolingo streak (R) (L) (S)
- Flashcard practice (as scheduled by the app) (R) (L) (S)
As of today, I am at 15264 XP on Duolingo (daily lessons completed). With a minimum of 20 XP per day, I should be past 15404 by next Saturday.

Time-permitting, I will also work on the following:
- Daily lessons in Clozemaster or Memrise
- Participate in the Instagram Language Challenge
If I don’t complete a daily task, I can’t have my daily Timmies coffee. I do love my coffee, so I hope that is good incentive to stay on track.
If I complete two full weeks of tasks, I can buy a new fountain pen and ink. I have recently developed a love for fountain pens, and have five already. But one cannot have too many!
See you back here next Saturday!