Are you going to the 2009 PASS Summit in Seattle in two weeks? If so, then you really should go to the SQLServerPedia Bingo page and print out three bingo cards to bring along! Just refresh the page to change the squares. Read the rules and come ask for my code word!
This is my first time going to PASS, and I am so looking forward to meeting all of the other squares. As you can see from the list below, I’ve only met one of the other squares in person, but I’m guaranteed to meet at least Wendy, as we’re sharing a room at the Sheraton.
As one of the squares, I’m not able to enter the contest, but just meeting some of these SQL Server experts will be a prize alone. Only 9 more days until PASS!
The list of squares:
Square | SquareUserName |
Andy Leonard | AndyLeonard |
Aaron Bertrand | AaronBertrand |
Aaron Nelson | SQLvariant |
Adam Machanic | AdamMachanic |
Allen Kinsel | sqlinsaneo |
Andy Warren | sqlAndy |
Arlene Gray | whimsql |
Bill Fellows | billinkc |
Bill Graziano | billgraziano |
Blythe Morrow | blythemorrow |
Brent Ozar | brento |
Brian Kelley | kbriankelley |
Colin Stasiuk | BenchmarkIT (hey, I know you! you’re from Edmonton) |
Denny Cherry | mrdenny |
Eric Humphrey | lotsahelp |
Geoff Hiten | SQLCraftsman |
Grant Fritchey | GFritchey |
Jeff Rush | JeffRush |
Jeremiah Peschka | peschkaj |
Joe Webb | JoeWebb |
Ken Simmons | kensimmons |
Kendal Van Dyke | SQLDBA |
Lee Anne Pedersen | leeannepedersen (that’s me!!) |
Lori Edwards | loriedwards |
Mike Walsh | Mike_Walsh |
Mike Wells | SarasotaSQL |
Pat Wright | SQLAsylum |
Peter Schott | paschott |
Peter Shire | Peter_Shire |
Ross Mistry | RossMistry |
Rushabh Mehta | rushabhmehta |
Steve Jones | way0utwest |
Stuart Ainsworth | stuarta |
Tim Benninghoff | bugboi |
Tim Ford | sqlagentman |
Tim Mitchell | Tim_Mitchell |
TJay Belt | tjaybelt |
Todd McDermid | Todd_McDermid |
Tom LaRock | SQLRockstar |
Trevor Barkhouse | SQLServerSleuth |
Wendy Pastrick | wendy_dance (this one’s a freebie, she’s my roomie) |
Wesley Brown | WesBrownSQL |
William McKnight | williammcknight |